
Acupuncture is a very effective treatment for air born allergies and seasonal allergies. You will know within 2-3 treatments if acupuncture is going to be an effective solution for your condition. The patters of wind born allergies most frequently treated at my office are outlined below:

Wind-Heat Allergies
Symptoms frequently seen with this pattern include red itchy eyes, sneezing, and stuffy nose with clear or yellow discharge.

Phlegm Allergies
Symptoms for this pattern usually include runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, fatigue, heavy headedness, and mucous that is thick.

Please call our answering service to schedule an appointment or use our online scheduling system.  Our online scheduling system can be used to complete your first visit form and to enter your insurance information.

Thank you for visiting Acupuncture Connecticut we proudly serve  Orange, Milford, West Haven, New Haven, Stratford, Bridgeport, Fairfield, and surrounding Connecticut areas. We are proud to accept Huskey Health Plans.

Reference Web Sites
1. Balanced Health Services
2. IH Real Estate
3. Infertility Acupuncture CT
4. Chinee Hawaiian Kenpo Academy
5. The Rock Garden Branford CT
6. Alliance Real Estate School
7.Connecticut Real Estate Course
8. HCT
8. Allies Dream
9. Back To Health Branford CT
10. Sports Homes