
Acupuncture is very effective in controlling the side effects associated with cancer and those caused by chemotherapy and other medical treatments. The focus of my treatment is to support you body and the treatment goals of your Oncologist.

The cancer patients that I have had the privilege of treating have responded magnificently to acupuncture. requested that I post the following on my web sites.

“ recognizes the value of acupuncture as an emerging therapy in palliative cancer care. Aggressive cancers, such as mesothelioma, can often be difficult to treat and often patients find any therapy which can induce comfort or relaxation most gratifying. Acupuncture is now widely being used not only in palliative mesothelioma treatment regimens, but for other cancers as well.”

Please call our answering service to schedule an appointment or use our online scheduling system.  Our online scheduling system can be used to complete your first visit form and to enter your insurance information.

Thank you for visiting Acupuncture Connecticut we proudly serve  Orange, Milford, West Haven, New Haven, Stratford, Bridgeport, Fairfield, and surrounding Connecticut areas. We are a proud to accept Huskey Health Plans.

Reference Web Sites
1. Balanced Health Services
2. IH Real Estate
3. Infertility Acupuncture CT
4. Chinee Hawaiian Kenpo Academy
5. The Rock Garden Branford CT
6. Alliance Real Estate School
7.Connecticut Real Estate Course
8. HCT
8. Allies Dream
9. Back To Health Branford CT
10. Sports Homes