There is a variety of neck disorders commonly treated with acupuncture. Acupuncture is a wonderful treatment for certain types of neck disorders. Patients with acute or chronic neck disorders are candidates for acupuncture treatment.
Stiff Neck
This condition is most commonly seen during the spring and fall months. The patient wakes with a severe stiff neck. Symptoms may include sudden onset, sharp pain, and restricted movement of the neck. This condition usually requires 2 or 3 acupuncture treatments to resolve.
Traumatic Injury
This condition is usually the result of injury at work, car accident, sporting event, or equivalent incident involving blunt force trauma to the neck. Symptoms can include stiffness, pain, radiating pain into one or both arms, numbness or tingling in the hands or arm. In some severe cases patients may have changes in their bowl movements and paralysis.
Please call to schedule your appointment or use our online scheduling system. After scheduling your appointment please print and complete the First Visit Form.
Thank you for visiting Acupuncture Connecticut we serve Orange, Milford, West Haven, New Haven, Stratford, Bridgeport, Fairfield, and surrounding Connecticut areas. We are proud to accept Huskey Health Plans.
Reference Web Sites
1. Balanced Health Services
2. IH Real Estate
3. Infertility Acupuncture CT
4. Chinee Hawaiian Kenpo Academy
5. The Rock Garden Branford CT
6. Alliance Real Estate School
7.Connecticut Real Estate Course
8. HCT
8. Allies Dream
9. Back To Health Branford CT
10. Sports Homes